Peninsula Chamber Musicians - Gypsy Songs
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Peninsula Chamber Musicians presents an evening of Gypsy Passion with special guests: Soprano, Suzanne Shakespeare and Mezzo Sopranos, Juel Riggall and Katrina Waters.
Accompanying pictures this page are highlights from their 2023 Gala Show with guest artists.
Originating in Northern India, the Romani people migrated to Europe around the 14th
century bringing their distinctive musical culture with them. The remarkable tapestry of
sounds and styles entranced and influenced composers from Bizet and Brahms
to Dvořák and Delibes.
The soulful style of these folk melodies, combined with the imagined freedoms of the bohemian lifestyle, inspired operatic characters and cycles of "Gypsy Songs".
Join local artists from PCM as they take you on a Bohemian adventure from the Ladies of Cadiz to the most famous operatic heroine - Carmen.
Includes preshow drinks and canapés
Concession $53
Full Price $58
Sold Out
You may be interested in another opera event later in the year - Melba Opera Trust on 25 July.