Monique Clare

Monique Clare
Monique Clare
Play Video

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Monique Clare: cello, voice

Close to my heart is the unique yet burgeoning genre of the singing cellist. It’s a fact that every cellist sounds different and every singer sounds unique; put those together and you have twice the amount of unique individual expression in one individual.

We’re in the first era of history’s singing cellists, where cello savvy songwriters choose the instrument described as ‘closest to the human voice’ to be their primary vocal accompaniment.  Monique’s chamber folk song output is charging forward in this world, representing this movement of expression world wide and delighting everyone that comes in her path.

Monique and her cello, leaves a trail of raving reviews wherever she performs so this is one I definitely wouldn’t miss. - Richard Vaudrey Curator

More information about Monique Clare here

Listen to Monique Clare here

Touching…incredibly beautiful”

Andrew For, The Music Show ABC

“Monique is most obviously a virtuoso, and can tease musical sounds from her instrument and combine them in a way that is truly fascinating…when joined together with that overarching clear vocal, we have a synergy of sound”

John Lamp, The Pulse

Includes preshow drinks and canapés

Concession $58
Full Price $63

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