Arte Kanela Flamenco

Arte Kanela Flamenco
Arte Kanela Flamenco
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5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Flamenco is one of the most infectious and captivating art forms in all music. 

It is a genre based on various folkloric music traditions of Southern Spain, and thought by some to have its origins in Northwest India. This seems reasonable given that in both Spanish and Indian music, rhythm, in all its complexities, is the heart and soul of the music. 

The renowned trio you will see and hear at Beleura epitomises all that is Flamenco: melody, rhythmic fire from the feet and clapping hands, dance, and guitar, all encased in a performance of breathtaking excitement in music and movement.  

Notice the extraordinary virtuosity  demonstrated on guitar  and the rhythmic intensity and brilliance generated with fingers, hands, and feet; and the remarkable empathy between the players. 

Flamenco at high level is always a memorable experience for eye and ear. 

-Tony Gould Improvised Music Curator

Includes preshow drinks and canapés

Concession $65
Full Price $68

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