Arte Kanela Flamenco
with Richard Tedesco

FRIDAY 23 MAY 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Richard Tedesco — guitar
Arte Kanela dancers and percussionists
In 2024 Arte Kanela Flamenco performed at Beleura with guitarist Richard Tedesco. It was a remarkable performance - the dancers explode with energy and then bring all movement to sudden stillness. Richard Tedesco's guitar generates flowing rhythms that drive the performers to new heights.
Flamenco is one of the most infectious and captivating art forms in all music.
The renowned trio epitomizes all that is Flamenco: melody, dance and guitar, all encased in a performance of breathtaking excitement in music and movement.
Notice the extraordinary virtuosity demonstrated on guitar and the rhythmic intensity and the remarkable empathy between the players.
Flamenco at this high level is a memorable experience for eye and ear. Tony Gould
Includes Pre-Show drinks and canapés
Concession $60 | Full Price $65
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